ERA Welcomes Changes to Stage 3 Tax Cuts
MEDIA RELEASE: Stage 3 Tax Cuts – a step in the right direction for women
Australia’s largest alliance of women’s organisations, the Equality Rights Alliance (ERA), has congratulated the Albanese Government on its proposed amendments to the stage 3 tax cuts.
“ERA strongly supports the proposed changes to the stage 3 tax cuts. The original proposal was strongly biased against women, with men getting 67% of the benefits. We have been advocating for changes to stage 3 ever since it was announced. It’s great to see the government is listening to women.” said Helen Dalley-Fisher, Convenor of the Equality Rights Alliance.
“Women dominate the lowest income quintiles in Australia. Shifting the balance of the cuts towards middle- and low-income earners puts women in a better position to meet growing cost-of-living challenges.”
ERA’s pre-budget submission in 2023 called for reform to the Stage 3 tax cuts.
“In their original form, the Stage 3 tax cuts were a mis-timed windfall for high income earners which would have primarily benefited older men. In the current environment, tax cuts should aim to benefit those Australians who most need a break from cost-of-living pressures: low-income Australians, who are disproportionately women,” said Ms Dalley-Fisher.
ERA has also urged the Government to consider a program of broader tax reform to address the disadvantage faced by women in our economy.
“We know that women in Australia remain disproportionately employed in lower-paying jobs, are more likely to work part time, be subjected to gender discrimination and carry a far greater share of unpaid caring and domestic work. The economic discrimination leads to women being more reliant on government funded services, such as public housing and income support. High rates of gender-based violence leave women dependant on taxpayer funded shelters and support services. Australian’s income tax rates are low when compared to other OECD countries. We need a more sustainable revenue base to fund essential services, especially in a world where climate change disasters will put pressure on infrastructure spending.” said Ms Dalley-Fisher.
For more information and interviews, please contact Helen Dalley-Fisher on 0413 065 822. Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) is Australia’s largest network of organisations advocating for women’s economic security and women’s leadership. We bring together 70 organisations with an interest in advancing gender equality at the national level. You can find more information about us and our work at www.equalityrightsalliance.org.au or on X/Twitter: @eraaustralia and Linked In: Equality-rights-alliance.
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