Women have spoken: new government urged to prioritise structural reform – Joint media statement
26 May 2022
Media Release
Monday, May 23 2022
Women have spoken: new government urged to prioritise structural reform
National Women’s Alliances have congratulated the incoming ALP Government and all new members of the 47th federal parliament, while stressing the urgency of tackling structural change to advance the lives of women and girls across the country regardless of their background, ability or income.
The Equality Rights Alliance (ERA), Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA), Harmony Alliance and National Women’s Safety Alliance (NWSA) represent hundreds of organisations in providing policy advice to the government.
Together, the four alliances have acknowledged the election as a historic moment to move on preventive and inclusive reforms for women neglected the past decade.
“Women have spoken. They are in the driver’s seat, demanding action on integrity, serious climate policy and structural reform to genuinely transform our communities for the better,” said Equality Rights Alliance convenor, Helen Dalley-Fisher.
“Poverty is gendered in Australia. Women tend to have lower incomes than men and more unpaid responsibilities and retire with much less money. The wage gap remains stubbornly high. Poverty leads to precariousness. It makes living with a disability harder and makes the prospect of fleeing violence near impossible,” said Ms Dalley-Fisher.
“If we want to help women we must recognise and change systems that keep women from feeling safe, having access and opportunity and getting ahead,” said Frances Quan Farrant, Acting Director of Policy and Programs, Women With Disabilities Australia.
“That change needs to start in Parliament itself, with a shift away from the current combative and sexist culture,” added Ms Dalley-Fisher.
The National Women’s Alliances will work collaboratively with government to ensure it achieves the promises made in the campaign:
- NDIS reform
- Cheaper childcare, more widely available
- Reducing the gender pay gap, including improving wages in feminised sectors
- Making women safer
- Providing more accessible and affordable housing
- Gender responsive budgeting