Submission – National Housing and Homelessness Plan 2023
10 November 2023
ERA has made a submission to the Department of Social Services in response to their National Housing and Homelessness Plan Issues Paper. We've identified 10 principles which must underpin the Plan:
- Housing should be seen as a human right.
- Intersectionality: must use an intersectional gender impact assessment.
- Social justice: must ambitiously connects to all areas of government policy which seeks to reduce poverty, inequality and social isolation, including tax reform.
- Cooperation: Housing as a responsibility of every jurisdiction and cross-sector players.
- Evidence-based: Housing policy with clear definitions, based on robust data, and evidence of what works.
- Accountability: A plan with clear and transparent goals and targets and regular reporting.
- Innovation: A NHHP that anticipates and creatively adapts to climate change.
- Care: Homelessness services and housing that sees housing, shelter and services related to it as part of an ‘infrastructure of care’ that aims to empower people