If We Are Not Careful Chalmers’ New Economic Vision Will Be Man-Heavy

9 February 2023

OPINION PIECE published in The Canberra Times
Saturday, February 4, 2023

If we are not careful Chalmers’ new economic vision will be man-heavy

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is reimagining capitalism and where policy needs to go. His essay extols the virtues of government and business co-investment, the reform of public institutions to build back public trust and the renovation of markets so investors are given more information to pursue ‘impact investments’. Chalmers wants to line up Australia’s social and economic goals.

This is a welcome vision for the common good.

But what would it look like to align the social goal of gender equality with the government’s economic goals?


Helen Dalley-Fisher and Toni Hassan run the Equality Rights Alliance, Australia’s largest network of organisations advocating for women’s economic security and leadership.

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