Media Release: Call for National Housing and Homelessness Agreement Overhaul

23 March 2022
HOUSING CRISIS: Call for proactive and sustained leadership across all levels of government. Australia’s largest alliance of women’s organisations, the Equality Rights Alliance (ERA), has called for a major overhaul of the way housing and homelessness policy is developed and delivered. The Productivity Commission is reviewing the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (‘NHHA’), a five-year Commonwealth-State housing agreement which expires next year. In its submission to the Commission just published, ERA asks for a national and preventative strategy to underpin a new State and Federal government housing agreement, so no one is left behind. “Housing is arguably the most fundamental cross-cutting issue confronting Australia and yet the existing agreement is failing to make headway in reducing levels of housing stress and homelessness, especially for women,” said ERA Convenor, Helen Dalley-Fisher. Download PDF