Navigating CSW67
CSW is the UN’s only permanent forum dealing exclusively with gender equality. It’s an annual event which attracts something in the order of 8,000 – 9,000 delegates from across the globe. It’s job is to produce a document called the CSW Agreed Conclusions, which is a road map to gender equality on a different theme each year.
This year, the priority theme for CSW67 is Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, which is UN-speak for ‘how is gender equality being affected by our engagement in the digital world?’ This is a timely theme, given our recent experiences of working from home / home schooling during the pandemic, our increasing understanding of the scope of online harassment and abuse and our increasing reliance on the internet to engage with services and build social connections.
CSW67 kicks off in New York on 6 May and will run for two weeks. A big contingent of Australians will head over to New York for the meeting, but there are many ways to get involved from Australia, because the pandemic experience means that CSW is now offered in a hybrid format.
We have a range of videos to help you navigate CSW67 – check them out:
Training Videos and Panels from CSW67
Pre-Departure Briefing part 1 (OfW report)
Pre-Departure Briefing part 2 (workshop on priority theme)
Panel – Empowering Women with Disability in the Digital World (WWDA and ERA)
Training videos from CSW66